The Moabite Curse

The Moabite manipulated international trade affairs. The Israelite could not trade without permission from the Moabite. (Judges 3:12-30)

The Moabite are the descendants of Lot’s daughter who was manipulated to serve her father as a maid in an isolated cave when gets old instead of having a family of her own.


Those who are supposed to support you do not do it for selfish reasons. For example money that is owed to you never gets to you, your boundaries are violated, someone or something withhold a crucial resource to complete a project, something small spoils an important event like a family holiday, wedding anniversary and so on.

Cause (sin)

You (as a predator) manipulate someone over which you have authority for your own gain at the expense of their freedom.


You (as a victim) keep trying to build platforms under others in order to be a “saviour” or to keep the peace at the cost of your own calling or life. They usually have a mindset of “if I keep being nice he/she might eventually change” or “I cannot afford to loose him/her or what he/she is offering me”.

The Sapphire Leadership group’s research has found the “predictors” and “victims” are often drawn to each.

If you allow the enemy to violate your boundaries (allow abuse), he will violate it.

This curse is a typical attack on the Redemptive Gift of Servant who don’t mind to serve.


You (as a predator) must change your lifestyle choices and repent from your sin.

You (as a victim) must break free from the manipulating authority but at God’s timing and way. Rebellion often make matters worse, and you might need to suffer for a long period before release (like David), but when the time comes you must be willing to sacrifice your life to possess your birth right.


Those who are not responsible to support you will start to support you. For example strangers that will invest in your ideas, company, projects or volunteers that offer their services to help you out.

Based on the teachings of Arthur Burk of the Sapphire Leadership Group.