The Godhead according to scholars

According to scholars the Godhead has 3 members which each fulfill a different function. But what are those members of God?


Some argue that each member of the Godhead is a God by himself, yet together they are also one unified God or Godhead.

So when the bible says there is only 1 "God", they mean "Trinity" although that word does not exist in the Bible. There are also no scriptures that explain or proof the "Trinity" in such a way. The Trinity doctrine is build upon various different scriptures scatter through the bible, complex interpretations and clever assumptions that has to be correlated together to support the theology.


Some argue that God was first the Father, then He incarnated into the Son, and then He ascended into the invisible Holy Spirit to be in our presence.

However, the Father and the Son interacted with each other as distinct individuals and the Holy Spirit is not Jesus because Jesus received the Holy Spirit while he was a human among humans.

Furthermore, if God really incarnated or limited Himself to a human form, who maintained the universe while Jesus was in his "limited human form"?

Another flaw with this reasoning is that if God was Jesus and Jesus became truly human without another superior God, and he was able to somehow reincarnate back into a divine God by himself, then we too should be able to incarnate into competing gods by ourselves.


Some argue that God has different modes:

  • When someone needs a father, He acts like a Father.
  • When someone needs a friend, He acts like the Son.
  • When someone needs spiritual power, He acts like the Holy Spirit.

However, the Father and the Son interacted with each other as distinct individuals.


Some argue that it is pointless to understand how the members relate to each other. We should accept it as a mystery that we will never be able to solve.

This is a very convenient way to avoid searching for the truth.


Some argue that the same person have different parts like body, soul, spirit. Even our bodies have different parts like hands, feet, etc. God also have different components like the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

However, in the case of Jesus these "parts" interact with each other as if they are different personalities and can even be separated (Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34) which would mean that God was divided if they were different parts.


Some argue that the same person could have different roles a father, son, husband, friend, colleague, teacher, client, boss, etc. God could also have different roles like a Father, Son, Spirit. However,

  • Jesus' "roles" interact with each other as distinct individuals and
  • some of Jesus' roles are incompatible, for example some claim that he is
    • "his own Father" and also "his own Son"
    • "our God" and also "like one of us"
    • "the greatest God" and also "a servant of God"
    • "the Creator" and also "the firstborn"
    • "the one being worshipped" and also "the sacrifice"
    • "the one worthy of all prayer" and also "the mediator" that prays


Some argue that the Almighty God can appear in any form He wishes, like a burning bush, rock, bread, water, etc. Therefore, it is no problem for Him to appear as a Heavenly Father, human Son and Holy Spirit and so forth.

However, often disciples witnessed the Father and the Son interacting with each other as distinct individuals.

Instead of crafting clever theologies which tries to explain the Godhead in such a way to He fits into our doctrines, I would rather recommend to study the words of Jesus.